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Download CareUEyes Eye protection from computer rays

CareUEyes is a very useful Software for users who spend long hours on computer, as the latter reduces harmful rays to the eye from the computer screen, making it a unique option in protecting the eyes from blue light and comforting them as much as possible. The Software comes in a relatively small size and does not consume a lot of special resources Windows while working.

It is worth noting that the Software is based on partially adjusting the colors and suitable for eye comfort so that there is no significant impact on the appearance of colors inside your computer screen, and as it is known that with prolonged use of the computer, there may be negative repercussions on the strength of vision, which calls for the use of such Softwares or reducing Colors manually for your computer.

Download CareUEyes Eye protection from computer rays

Download eye protection software from computer screen CareUEyes

Moreover, the application issues some alerts and notifications from time to time telling you that you need to take a break on your eyes despite the reduced intensity of colors and lights from the computer screen.

The Software works with various computer screens and puts at your disposal a set of patterns to reduce the lighting and rays of the computer screen, and you can also put some adjustments on them to suit your preferred appearance quality.

CareUEyes Features

Offers a lot of protection modes to comfort the eye.
Issuing special notices of the need to take a break.
It directly reduces blue rays.
Suitable for those who suffer from fatigue due to prolonged use.
It makes it easier for you to read books and documents in a safe way. 

Information about CareUEyes
Program size: 4.94 MB
Program compatibility: Windows versions
License: experimental copy

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