Download LibreOffice 2022 latest version for PC
LibreOffice is a well-known application that is used to edit and create digital documents of all kinds. It comes in the form of a package that provides a wide range of applications that can be used to modify digital documents created by famous programs such as Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint, and others. It also offers a range of Distinguished and wonderful features.
LibreOffice is designed to edit Word files, where you can modify texts, add titles, insert images, graphics, etc. You can also use some ready-made templates in your editing process to obtain unique and distinctive results.
The article and text editor contains a wide range of powerful features in the field, where you will be able to write with beautiful fonts and use some unique formatting in the text, in addition to that, you will be able to split paragraphs, thinning or enlarge the text and other other tools.
The latter includes a special search engine that helps you reach the desired phrases in order to modify them, where you can enter the word you want to search to get direct results. Moreover, LibreOffice allows you to divide paragraphs into pages and make professional titles.
The package includes a special program for modifying and creating spreadsheets, which provides a set of accurate mathematical calculations that can be used in editing the document in addition to formats and others. This is useful for educational frameworks in calculating results and is also used by companies and institutions.
LibreOffice also includes a program specialized in creating presentations so that it can be used to explain a specific topic by enriching the content with images and text, and the latter can also be used to display files created with PowerPoint without problems.
Features of LibreOffice
Make professional presentations for explanations.
The ability to create topics and articles with professional formats.
You can save created documents in more than one format.
It has a wide range of effects that can be used.
Ease of inserting media such as images and various graphics.
A special program for solving simple and complex mathematical equations.
Information about LibreOffice
Software version: 7.3.2
Program size: 313 MB
Publisher: The Document Foundation.
Program compatibility: Windows versions
License: Complimentary
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