How to Hide Last Seen on Truecaller for Android in 2023
Here's how to hide your last seen on an app True caller (TruecallerStep by step on Android devices for 2022.
If you use instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and others, you may be well aware of the Status feature.Last Seenor “Last seen. WhatsApp first introduced the feature, which makes it possible to know when the person you want to message opened the app last.
The same feature is available in the TrueCaller app for Android, but it is available under a different name. The last seen feature of Truecaller is called “Availabilityor “AvailabilityIt lets you know if the person you are about to call is busy or not.
Similarly, anyone on the application can Truecaller And it has your number knowing the last time you were active in the app. Besides telling users when you last saw the app, Truecaller also indicates if your phone is in silent mode or you are on a phone call with other users.
Although the feature is easy to use, sometimes this seems like an intrusion on our privacy. And since the Truecaller app is running in the background all the time, a feature Last Seen or Last seen Its own information about your smartphone usage patterns of other users on the app.
Important note: Availability is activated by default on the Truecaller app.
But by following these simple steps below, you can hide your last seen on Truecaller app.
How to Hide Last Seen on Truecaller for Android
If you are someone who cares about privacy, you may want to hide your last seen on Truecaller. Through this article, we have shared with you a step-by-step guide on how to turn off the Last Seen Status feature on the Truecaller Android app. Let's get to know her.
And this is how you can hide the availability status (Last seen or Last seen) in the Truecaller application for Android.

As we explained earlier, the availability feature is activated by default on the application, but by following the previous simple steps you can hide your last seen on the Truecaller application. So, this is how you can hide the last seen on the Truecaller app on your Android devices.
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We hope that you will find this article useful for you in knowing how to hide last seen on Truecaller for Android in 2022.
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