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Download the Software to record the computer screen 2023

Download the Software to record the computer screen, video and make explanations ScreenHunterIt is considered one of the best desktop recording Softwares where you can take pictures of the computer screen with high accuracy and make modifications to it. Screen Hunter has many advantages, which makes it at the forefront of desktop recording Softwares for many computer users where you can add comments to pictures and add fonts and shapes. Geometrical highlighting of certain parts of the image.

Screen Shutter Software is distinguished in making explanations and making presentations in a wonderful and distinctive way, the user interface is easy to use and includes all the tools that help you capture and modify the desktop screen, you can record videos from the desktop screen in MP4 format with unlimited high quality.

Once you install ScreenHunter on your computer, you will not need another Software to make adjustments to the images or videos captured by the Software. Long web, a Software that records videos in a smooth and high quality manner.

ScreenHunter is ideal for recording both movies and online courses as well as YouTube and Zoom videos. The Software supports the use of hotkey mapping to capture images quickly and with high accuracy. You can record your computer screen for full games and also record windows mini or covered. The Software is easy to use and simple And you can install it on the computer with ease, you can capture certain parts of the computer screen such as a rectangular area or an active window or capture the entire screen.

Features of ScreenHunter on PC
Capture high-resolution computer screen images and make adjustments to desktop screen images.
Add comments on pictures, put lines and geometric shapes, and highlight certain parts of the picture.
Fill in the explanations, make presentations in a wonderful and distinctive way, and the user interface is easy to use, and it includes all the tools that help you capture and modify the desktop screen.
Record videos from your desktop screen in high quality MP4 format and save images to your computer in different formats such as JPG, BMP or PCX. 9.
Smooth and high quality video recording and support using hotkeys to take pictures.
Capture multiple active desktop windows and make annotations.

Developed by: Wisdom Software Inc
The Software's official website
Program size: 124.6 MB
Software License: Free
Categories: Computer Software, Computer Software 2022

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