Software To Convert Files To PDF 2022 doPDF For PC
doPDF is a distinguished application that is used to convert text files to PDF files such as Word, HTML or PowerPoint. You can choose the file and convert it quite easily. It offers a number of wonderful services, including the search service inside the document, in addition to the ability to modify the content before converting it. This It provides the ability to adjust pages and modify dimensions, in addition to pagination and the inclusion of a digital signature to preserve rights. The Software is characterized by an easy-to-use graphic interface so that you will not find it difficult to adapt to it.
Moreover, the application provides other great features, including printing the document on paper through the printer connected to the computer with complete ease, you can also control the quality of the documents such as raising the quality for printing or making medium quality in order to share the file on the Internet.
The application helps you to add information to documents such as the author, title, metadata and PDF creator, and this helps in archiving the file in a correct manner, and you can specify the size of the pages based on your own desire in advance and contains more than 40 different formats.
Software To Convert Files To PDF 2022 doPDF For PC
Using the application is very easy, as it installs itself as a printer in other editing Softwares such as Microsoft Word or Excel. All you have to do is open the file and edit it, then choose the printer on the Software and then choose doPDF and with one click you can convert the file, whatever its type, to PDF .
The Software is light on the device’s resources so that it does not significantly affect the capabilities of your device, and this is a point that counts in its favor, unlike some other Softwares that drain resources, and this checks for updates automatically, which ensures that you get the latest upgrades to take advantage of the modern features.
Creating PDF files is the goal of all users, whether educational frameworks, individuals, or even students because of its wonderful properties, as it allows you to share the document on the Internet by embedding it on your website or uploading it to cloud services and uploading sites. Prior to the fact that most browsers come with support for it and therefore works for a larger number of users, the bottom line is that the Software is one of the multi-use applications that contain great features that provide a service of converting files to PDF and remains the ideal choice for this process.
PDF Converter Features.
You can convert texts with one click of the mouse using the print option.
Search within the document that you created to facilitate access to the information.
Add information about the document such as author and keywords.
The application's automatic update engine to download the latest version of the Software.
The ability to add links to websites in order to enrich the content.
It is completely free and you can take advantage of all the features without restrictions.
It consumes a reasonable amount of resources so that you will not have problems in use.
Information about doPDF file converter software
Software version: 11.5.334
Program size: 72.0 MB
Publisher: Softland.
Program compatibility: Windows versions
License: Complimentary
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