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Download FrostWire 2022 torrent client for PC

FrostWire is one of the best and most powerful Softwares for downloading files via torrent technology and provides high-speed downloads, which means downloading large files in a short time. The application also contains a torrent file search engine that can be used to access the files you want to download from the Internet and included in the application's download list.

Listen to radio stations

This application is more than a home for torrent files, as it offers some additional features, including the ability to listen to international radio stations with ease, to listen to music while downloading or browsing websites.
Chat with users

The Software gives you the ability to communicate with users who have the FrostWire Software, such as your friends, by text chatting to discuss some technical issues or provide technical support.
Download speed

The application helps you to download torrent files, regardless of their type, videos, Softwares and games from the Internet at a high speed that you may not get from competing Softwares.

Download FrostWire 2022 torrent client for PC

The possibility of using the Froswire Software to play the audios that you downloaded through torrents without the need to run separate Softwares for this purpose, as it comes with a built-in player.
Operations information

FrostWire torrent client displays all the important information that you will want to know during the download process, which includes the number of participants for the file, the download speed, the time remaining to complete, as well as the file type.
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Information about FrostWire torrent client
Software version:
Program size: 50.5 MB
Program compatibility: Windows versions
License: Free version
Direct download

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